Thursday, January 21, 2016
Excited about the ministry schedule for this Spring. I have taken the month of January to raise support and I have seen God open up many doors for me to share and get in contact with individuals to invest into the ministry of Open Air Campaigners in this area. Now as we only have a week left until February I am anxious to get back to the campuses and streets to do ministry. Although, I am also anxious to see how God is going to move over the next week to bring in additional supporters and support. I had decided in December that I would take 6 weeks off from doing outreaches and focus my time on raising support. Overall, I feel this time has been productive and I have seen an increase in support. I am still not quite at the level of support that I had hoped for but, I know God can and will continue to provide for our needs as He has in the past. The last week of January is a great time for you to get involved and help our support base reach the goal that has been set. Our newsletter can be read at ,which will give more details about how to support us.
As I look at planning and mapping out my ministry schedule for the Spring my plans are to be on college campuses three days a week. I am also planning on doing Friday night outreaches three Fridays out of each month until June and also continuing our weekly Willowbrook kids club on Mondays. This will be a very busy ministry schedule although, I think it will also be a great way to get more individuals involved by volunteering time to come out and join me. If you are in the Western or Central Pennsylvania and are interested in getting involved with Open air preaching and evangelism I would love to hear from you. You can email mail me at or I will be on the campus of PSU on a weekly basis and on several other campuses throughout the month including: Indiana University of PA, Lock Haven State University, University of Pittsburgh, Slippery Rock University, PSU altoona campus, Bloomsburg University, and possibly a few others. Friday night ministry will be on the streets of State College, Indiana, and Cumberland, MD. I would ask that if you would like to know more about the ministry that will be happening on a weekly basis so you can pray for us or join us then simply send an email to and I will add you to the weekly update/schedule email. Well, that is all I have to share today. I am not going to make any promises about posting on this blog on a consistent basis because I have done that in the past and have failed to follow through. I will try my best. Until you read again....
Friday, August 14, 2015
College ministry starts soon....
I am very excited about the upcoming fall semester and the incoming freshman that I will have the privilege of preaching the gospel to as they start a new chapter of their lives. I just finished mapping out my fall schedule which includes 3 days on campuses most weeks and a weekly Monday afternoon kids club at a local trailer park. God has done many things in my life over the past several months and I want to continue to share and encourage others to join the fight. . This is a picture from last spring at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and I plan on visiting IUP on Tuesday's this fall semester. I will not be at IUP every Tuesday but, at least every other Tuesday I will be preaching on Campus. Another campus that I will be visiting on a weekly basis is the Penn State University Main campus in State College, PA. The ministry at PSU has been wonderful and I am looking to build more student relationships and hopefully be able to start an off campus Bible study with some students. Please pray that God will be preparing the hearts of students and bring these students in contact with me as I am on campus this fall. I will also be frequenting the campuses of the University of Pittsburgh, Lock Haven State University, and Slippery Rock University as a part of my college ministry. God has placed a burden on my heart for college students because I have seen and experienced the effects of secular universities on young men and women who have seemed to walk away from their faith because of the influence of the atmosphere of most universities. I was one of these students and by the grace of God I now have to privilege to preach to these students who are at a vital point in their lives. One last thing that I would like to have you pray about is that God would raise up additional prayer and financial partners for this ministry that He has granted me the priviledge to lead in Western Pennsylvania through Open Air Campaigners. The labor of taking the gospel to these campuses and into the community will make a difference in the lives of young men and women for the sake of Christ and will have an eternal impact. Those of you who wish to contribute in any way can visit our website at and click on the donate button. May God bless you and keep you and use you to expand His kingdom for His glory. Until you read again...
Friday, January 16, 2015
The new year is well under way...
Well, we are now 16 days into the new year and God has provided me with some great outreaches to college campuses already. This week was my first week back to the colleges since the Christmas break. I was able to go the Penn State University on Tuesday and then to the Altoona campus of Penn State University on Thursday. Also, last Sunday I was asked to go the St. Paul's Reformed church in Bedford to speak to a Sunday school class. I was asked to come back to speak to them again in the future and I am looking forward to being able to share with them again. This has been a short post and I pray I can continue posting here on a more frequent basis. I know I have said that many times in the past but, it is a new year and we will see. Until you read again...
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
First time attending the Super Bowl Outreach... praying it will not be my last!
As the title of this blog states this was the first time I attended a SuperBowl Outreach or for that matter any event that Bill Adams organized. Not for the reason you might think but, for the fact that I some how felt that as an evangelist for Open Air Campaigners, I did not need to attend events that were organized by others because I have organized or participated in organizing all of the outreaches that I have been involved with over the last 5 years as an OAC missionary. Also, we just don't preach with many preachers outside of OAC or should I say preachers that do not use the sketchboard. Why is that you may ask? I do not know and I have asked myself that same question. So, attending an event such as the SBO was not even something I would have considered. So how did I end up at the SBO this year? Pastor Matt Smart, my pastor and ministry partner, asked me several months ago if I would go to the SBO with him and Jeff Lutton. At first I did not really give it much thought but, as I the time began to get closer I began to think more about it I felt like it would be good to preach with others from around the country and get to meet some more preachers that are involved in sharing the gospel on the streets. One of the main things that I was not sure I was going to be able to do was get the money raised for the outreach because being a full-time missionary my support covers my living expenses on a monthly basis and I do not have much extra each month. Some months I am not sure how I am going to cover all of the things that need to be paid but, God has made a way for the past 5 years. So even though the SBO is very affordable anything above what I usually have as an expense during the month makes things difficult. So, I committed after much prayer to go still not knowing how I was going to pay for the outreach. Matt had told me he could help cover some of the expense for me if that would help. So I completed the necessary paperwork and submitted it to Bill Adams having faith the cost of the trip would be covered. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up finding out that the entire expense of the trip was going to be covered for me and I would not have to use my normal support that was already allotted to other expenses. This was the first of many things that occurred to confirm that God wanted me to be at the SBO this year. So on Thursday morning at 1:30a.m. I got up packed my van and drove to Williamsburg to meet Jeff and Matt at Jeff's house. We then all got into Jeff's vehicle and began our trip to NYC for the SBO. The drive took about 5 hours and the time of fellowship with Matt and Jeff was awesome. I knew this outreach was going to be incredible I was right. God did so many incredible things over the course of the four days we were in NYC during to SBO that unless I would have experienced them I would not have believed it. One major thing that was going to stretch me was the fact that I was not going to be taking my sketchboard along with me. I would be preaching just standing on a stool or the ground and even though I had done this in the past not having my sketchboard did make it more uncomfortable. So we arrived at the YMCA in NYC at 8:30 to check in and I looked at the room assignments and a great brother in Christ and friend of mine who I had not seen in a few years, Robert Gray, was rooming with me. It was great to be able to fellowship with Robert each evening after the outreaches. We would stay up way to late talking about how God has been moving in our lives and sharing ministry stories. It was truly an encouragement to me and I pray it was for Robert as well. I also got to spend some time with another great friend and dear brother in Christ, Chris Sippley. Chris and I have know each other for about 4 years and the week before we where chatting on FB about when was the next time we could get together to do ministry. I had no idea he was going to be at the SBO and neither did he know I was going to be there. Praise God for godly brothers in Christ that I was able to fellowship with during the SBO. Although, the fellowship was sweet and there are many other brothers and sisters in Christ that I met for the first time and others that I reconnected with the preaching of the gospel during those four days was spectacular. I had preached in NYC several times in the past but, with a group of 99 brothers and sisters in Christ with one purpose and goal of preaching the gospel to the lost, made this time special. I was on Andrew Rappaport's team and I had the privilege of meeting and spending time sharing the gospel with many great brothers and sisters in Christ. In addition to the great times of preaching God's word on the streets and the fellowship of fellow believers we also had the opportunity to learn from some great men of God each morning before going out to the streets to preach. I could go on and on about some of the wonderful memories and experiences I had during these four days but, I am limited in space so I will just mention one. One of the greatest experiences I had occurred on Sunday. Andrew's team joined up with Mike Stockwell's team and we went to the Stanten Island Ferry and Matt and myself were able to preach inside the Stanten Island Ferry while the people waited to catch the Ferry. It was similar to preaching in the DC Metro although it is much bigger and the security does not hassle you at all and you can preach for quite a long time before the ferry arrives. As I close this blog post for now I have one more person I have to thank for all of the hard work he put into making this a great outreach and one I will look to attend in the future. Thank you Bill Adams for the exceptional organization and coordination of the 2014 SBO and I would recommend this outreach to anyone whose has not been to one the Superbowl Outreaches to defiantly try to make it out next year if possible because I am sure it is going to be awesome. Until you read again....
Sunday, December 8, 2013
A gospel poem...
I have been going through the book of Romans, well actually the first chapter of Romans. I am going verse by verse and have been for the last 5 days. I have journaled each verse each day and it has been very beneficial and encouraging. I pray this poem that I feel God inspired me to write the first day of my study is uplifting to you.
[The message of that which happened upon the tree at Calvary is now a glorious revelry that I can cry out on the streets. The God whom saved many from their sins has now given me the privilege to call some in. Though not my might or strength does lend to the saving power that goes through the wind. When the Spirit meets my words before they fall upon a sinners ears then a transformation of life appears. Oh, to see this occur is my hearts desire so this is why I must aspire to continue to harken and herald and preach so many a sinner can hear my speech with prayers the Spirit may intercede. ]
Now as we approach the Holiday of Christmas I would like to encourage each of you to think about how God is using you to share the gospel in your scope of influence. I also would like to speak to a select group of you who may be feeling that God is asking you to do more than you currently are doing. This may be in the area of prayer, or personal witness, or missions support. As many of you that are reading this know, My family and I are full-time missionaries with Open Air Campaigners and we have been for the last 5 years. God has been very faithful to provide for our needs through the generous donations of people just like you. I am looking to go to another area and become a branch director but, without additional support I am not able to do that. I have actively been increasing my family's support through various means and if you feel God may be directing you to support my family with a one-time gift or on a monthly basis, you can do that by simply going to and click on the donate button. Please pray about this and if it is something that you feel prompted to do it would be greatly appreciated.
For me personally I can say it has been such a privilege to be called of God to be an evangelist and preach to message of salvation on the streets, in schools, on college campuses, and many other places and I just wanted to take a moment and thank God again for this opportunity and thank Him for His provision throughout the years.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
A morning in the branch office...

Friday, December 14, 2012
As Christmas approaches us quickly and everyone is busy out searching for that last minute gift for their child or spouse or girlfriend or whatever category you would fall into, I will be out in the malls sharing about the true reason for the season. I have used the Christmas season for the last 5 years to go out to the malls and shopping centers to share the gospel of Christ with all those looking to buy many gifts but not really understanding why they are buying. I think if you have never shared your faith with others then make this year the year you start. Just take a pocket full of tracts and go out to where people are gathering and jump in. It may be scary at first but, the alternative of not sharing your faith should be more scary. After all if you do not share the love of Christ with someone this Christmas season then who will. As you share the gospel with others you will receive such a joy from the presence of God that soon you will be saying, "Why haven't I shared my faith sooner." God bless each and everyone of you and have wonderful Christmas. Until you read again...
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