Well, I am offically done working on Wednesday and I will be going into full-time ministry with OAC in June. I have been encouraged by many people and there are many friends who have helped me through prayers and support which have given me and my family the faith to leave my salary paid position and completely trust God and the body of Christ, the church, to supply for all of our needs. I will be going to the Washington Bible College ETA to help train students how to effectively share their faith and preach the gospel in the open air. This will occur from June 8th untill June 13th. For all of you who are new to this blog I would like to explain how it came about.
It stated out because I was listening to a message by John Piper,for those of you who do not know John Piper look him up on the internet he is a phenominal preacher, and in the message he stated that all good preachers need to be able to be well written and since I am encouraged by John so much and I am just starting out in open air preaching I thought I would like to be a good preacher, not for myself, but for God's glory. So I decided to start this blog. At first I though it would be a theology blog because I had many questions about God's will and our free will. I have since come to an understanding and feel a peace about these issues. I do not wish to argue or try to persuade anyone to accept my theology concerning Calvinism or Arminianism but, I know what I believe and I know God is in control and that is all I will say at this point. I am not saying that in the future I may not come back and revisit this debate and maybe even discuss it more on this blog but, as for now I will not.
The only thing that I feel compelled to preach and teach is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The gospel message that Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross and took the punishment for our sins and on the third day rose again and defeated death so that we do not have to pay the penalty for our sins. All anyone needs to do is repent of our sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. This is the message of hope that I pray I am able to share with the world for the remainder of my life. I want to share this message and if this brings one or more to faith in Jesus Christ I will rejoice. To God be the glory.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Home again
I arrived back in Altoona about 2 hours ago and it is good to be home. I was meet at the front door by my wife and baby boy. Zoran was very excited to see me and it is great to be back in my home with my family. After being away for 5 days home being home is nice.
I had a wonderful time at the Staff conference and seeing and hearing all of the reports from the branches of OAC throughout the country I can't wait until we are able to move and go into the ministry full-time. I know God will provide for our needs and I ask that each of you keep me and my family in your prayers. I am planning on assisting with the Evangelism Training Academy in the month of June at Washington Bible College and I will also be starting to look for housing in the Washington D.C. area in preperation for our departure at the end of June.
Well, just wanted to give a quick update and now it is time to spend the rest of the day with my wife and family before I have to go back to work tomorrow. God bless all of you.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Staff Conference
Hello all,
I am currently at Open Air Campaigners' national staff conference. I have meet many fellow evangelist and the knowledge I am gaining is great. I will be here at the conference for another 3 days and then I will be heading home to Altoona. In June I will be attending the Evangelism Training Academy at Washington Bible College. This is the same Academy that I just went through last year and I am amazed at how God has moved in my life and has enabled me to be doing the thing that I love, which is preaching the Gospel, just in one short year. I would encourage anyone who has a desire to do evangelism to check out the video on the oacmd.org website. The training Academy last year was phenomenal and taught me so much and it was an invaluable experience. Well, I will update all of you later on how the entire conference went but,for now I must go. May God bless you and your families as you continue to follow Him.
I am currently at Open Air Campaigners' national staff conference. I have meet many fellow evangelist and the knowledge I am gaining is great. I will be here at the conference for another 3 days and then I will be heading home to Altoona. In June I will be attending the Evangelism Training Academy at Washington Bible College. This is the same Academy that I just went through last year and I am amazed at how God has moved in my life and has enabled me to be doing the thing that I love, which is preaching the Gospel, just in one short year. I would encourage anyone who has a desire to do evangelism to check out the video on the oacmd.org website. The training Academy last year was phenomenal and taught me so much and it was an invaluable experience. Well, I will update all of you later on how the entire conference went but,for now I must go. May God bless you and your families as you continue to follow Him.
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